汽车中控台 制造

黄石光明模具 2022-09-17 12:18 编辑:宗政唯 134阅读




1. 做一条锯齿块实体,然后错位复制个几十个,求和;
2. 做好车灯罩,预留好波纹位置。
3. 把这个波纹板和车灯罩求和。

底座注塑模设计 毕业论文



  关键词:生产工艺 注射模 成型零件 装配 塑料模具 分型面


  Plastic industry is grows now one of quickest industry classes in the world, but casts the mold is development quick type, therefore, the research casts the mold to understand the plastic product the production process and improves the product quality to have the very big significance.
  This design introduced the injection takes shape the basic principle, specially single is divided the profile to inject the mold the structure and the principle of work, to cast the product to propose the basic principle of design; Introduced in detail the cold flow channel injection evil spirit mold pours the system, the temperature control system and goes against the system the design process, and has given the explanation to the mold intensity request. Design shaped parts,reasonable drawing mechanism and so on.
  The design should be certification.Primarily related to the injection machine of important parameters for the certification including die close thickness sizes,the name distance,injection machine of the die draw force and so on.After Qualified in check,the molding parts machining process design must ensure that the quality of Supervision taking into account the economy.
  Final assembly is part of the mold,which including the design of assembly steps,
  clear proceeding required attention.
  Through this design, may to cast the mold to have a preliminary understanding, notes in the design certain detail question, understands the mold structure and the principle of work; Through to the PROGRAM study, may establish the simple components the components storehouse, thus effective enhancement working efficiency.

  Key word: Manufacture process Injection mold Shaped parts The plastic mold Divides the profile

  1 绪 论

  1.1 我国塑料模具工业的发展现状及特点
  我国塑料模工业从起步到现在,历经半个多世纪,有了很大发展,模具水平有了较大提高。在大型模具方面已能生产48英寸大屏幕彩电塑壳注射模具、6.5Kg 大容量洗衣机全套塑料模具以及汽车保险杠和整体仪表板等塑料模具,精密塑料模具方面,已能生产照相机塑料件模具、多型腔小模数齿轮模具及塑封模具。如天津津荣天和机电有限公司和烟台北极星Ⅰ.K模具有限公司制造多腔VCD和DVD齿轮模具,所生产的这类齿轮塑件的尺寸精度、同轴度、跳动等要求都达到了国外同类产品的水平,而且还采用最新的齿轮设计软件,纠正了由于成型收缩造成齿形误差,达到了标准渐开线齿形要求。还能生产厚度仅为0.08mm的一模两腔的航空杯模具和难度较高的塑料门窗挤出模等等。注塑模型腔制造精度可达0.02mm~0.05mm,表面粗糙度Ra0.2μm,模具质量、寿命明显提高了,非淬火钢模寿命可达10~30万次,淬火钢模达50~1000万次,交货期较以前缩短,但和国外相比仍有较大差距。